Back to school shopping list

Back to School Shopping Checklist

Back-to-school shopping may sound exciting for parents and for kids who are just about to start preschool or kindergarten. This is the time to get new clothes, and new shoes, because kids grow fast and most of the clothes do not fit anymore. Although School supplies lists vary from grade to grade, getting a new … Read more

Image shows 4 to 6 year old kids having fun outdoor.

What to do with kids during summer break

Summer break has begun for many of us and moms with little ones must be wondering what to do with kids during summer break. While kids are at home, off from school they need to be entertained or kept engaged in age-appropriate activities to help them learn. Well, truth be told, screentime is their lazy … Read more

A mom reading a book with her child

Ready to Help Them Learn? Top Educational Activities for Babies

Brain development in infants happens whenever the baby is awake. They’re constantly checking out the world around them, touching things to see what they feel like, and putting things in their mouth to get an idea of how things taste. As babies grow, there are tons of activities to do with them that will help … Read more

Kids having creative activities at home

Kids Fun activities to try at home

Kid activities at home are just a fun way to invite play into their everyday life, which encourages hands-on learning, sensory development, and a lot of brain development for the eager minds. HOW do we entertain our children at home? You can use open-ended toys, cardboard boxes, mailboxes, tissue roll cardboard, eggs containers, or any … Read more

Disguise Gingerbread man cookie project idea for Christmas Crafts

Let’s help the Gingerbread Man disguise from Santa this holiday season so he does not get eaten with some CRAFTY disguise as Grinch. My son received a family project from school “Disguise The Gingerbread Man Cookie Project”. After some ideas research as I’m not a craft mom, I came up with an idea to Disguise … Read more

How to Homeschool preschool – Getting started

Homeschooling preschoolers can be both fun and challenging. Schools offer social interaction to make kids more interactive with other kids. They learn how to communicate, understand languages, and get to learn a lot of social skills. Besides social interaction, moms are the best teachers for kids, especially when they are in those early years of … Read more

painting and slime

Painting and homemade slime Activities for 3 to 5 years old kids

Toddlers are eager learners. They need activities to stay busy all day every day. Toddlers have the ability to play with the same thing in so many different ways as they grow. However, some activities keep them busy for longer if they have other siblings playing with them. You should try these activities at home … Read more

valentine's day crafts ideas for kids

Valentine’s day crafts ideas for kids

Valentine’s day is all about celebrating love with your loved ones. It about sharing love with your kids. These simple craft ideas you can do with kids on valentine’s day as well as you can use these DIY to send a little token for your kids’ classmates. Valentine’s Day Art and Crafts ideas for kids … Read more

learning books ideas for your preschooler

14 Early Learning Books for 3 to 5-year-old preschoolers

As a parent to a toddler and a preschooler, buying books for kids is a great way to do screen detox at home and keep kids busy learning in a positive way. Not only reading, writing is essentially be started at a tender age, so your child is able to learn cursive writing with lots … Read more