Image shows a couple who just found out about pregnancy

Very early pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms are usually sore breasts, delayed period, nausea, sensitivity to smell, and more, although they may vary for every woman. Some women might experience the early symptoms a week or two after conceiving, whereas others don’t feel anything for the entire trimester. Skipped or delayed periods are one of the most significant signs of … Read more


Healthy snacks to satisfy your pregnancy cravings

Pregnancy can ramp up your appetite significantly and make mom-to-be hungry every hour. You may have a filling breakfast but your stomach is already growling an hour later. Thanks to pregnancy hunger pangs. In such cases, munching on a healthy snack instead of jumbo-size meal is an ideal way to keep weight gain in check. … Read more

Tired pregnant woman laying down on her back

13 Pregnancy health mistakes you don’t know you’re making

Pregnancy is the most critical time in a woman’s life. Expectant moms need to be extra careful and vigilant about taking care of themselves and their unborn child. Nurturing a human inside you is an incredible phenomenon and a lifetime experience. When it comes to being vigilant about consuming and eating, make sure to keep … Read more

Safe Medication During Pregnancy

Safe Medication During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with a lot of hormonal headaches, toothache, backache, etc. There are numerous pregnancy discomforts you have to deal with while being pregnant. Although some medicines/drugs are not considered safe to be taken while being pregnant, still there are few medicines like over-the-counter medicines that are generally considered safe and are prescribed by your OBGYN. … Read more

Leg Cramps during Pregnancy

7 Effective ways to survive Leg Cramps during Pregnancy

Do you wake up at night due to legs pain? Are you having pregnancy leg cramps?
Leg cramps are a very common condition yet harmless. Legs cramps occur when muscles in your legs suddenly become tight and painful.