Early pregnancy symptoms are usually sore breasts, delayed period, nausea, sensitivity to smell, and more, although they may vary for every woman. Some women might experience the early symptoms a week or two after conceiving, whereas others don’t feel anything for the entire trimester.
Skipped or delayed periods are one of the most significant signs of pregnancy, but unfortunately, it’s not always true. Sometimes the period cycle is due to other reasons such as new medication, PCOS, or the cycle could skip for an entire month. This also does not mean you cannot ovulate during that time or get pregnant.
However, the very first symptoms can help you understand if you might be pregnant and start taking pregnancy vitamins, eat healthy food, avoid alcohol, avoid smoking, and watch other physical activities.
It is also true that running a strip test does not always show two lines during very early conception. The hCG levels have to go high to validate a positive urine home pregnancy test. So, if you are pregnant and it is not coming positive in your home test, wait another week and try again.
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Very early pregnancy symptoms around 4 to 6 weeks
While it’s too early to confirm a positive home strip test, noticing your unusual early pregnancy symptoms can give you clues about potential conception.
What are those super early pregnancy symptoms starting at 4 to 6 weeks?
Changes in breasts and sore nipple(s)
The symptoms include sore or tender nipples that you also might experience around your period’s due date. Every woman’s body is different, but you will know if the nipples are painful to touch, perky, or the breasts have visible blue veins or may feel super itchy. These are some extremely strong pregnancy symptoms. The itch may usually subside after a day or two or may prolong for most women.
Belly seems big
Women usually don’t show or start feeling big after the first pregnancy, but your belly starts looking big too soon for the second and third pregnancies. You know your body and will notice what’s not normal. Not to mention, you may start noticing overall body changes.
What are the first-trimester must-haves for a new mama?
frequent urination
You start feeling more urge to pee than usual. The hCG levels increase urination as a most significant early symptom of pregnancy. At this point, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated and empty your bladder by leaning forward every time you urinate.
heartburn after meals
Although heartburn is a very common pregnancy symptom for the whole pregnancy, another sign of early pregnancy is that you may feel nauseated or have heartburn after having a meal.
Here is what you can do to prevent early pregnancy nausea.
Waking up with a headache
Headaches are very common during pregnancy; feeling heavy-headed or waking up with a headache could also be a sign of pregnancy or an early conception symptom.
Drinking plenty of water, staying well rested, and most importantly, not eating meals with longer gaps. Nibbling on small snacks is the best way to prevent headaches.
An unusual desire for resting
The earliest sign of pregnancy is when the body desires to sit and rest. You feel tired, fatigued, and sleepy. However, some women may not feel anything at all.
Feeling more hungry than normal
You feel an increased urge to eat. Feeling hungry hits more often, and you might feel that you have not eaten for a while now. This feeling totally varies from woman to woman and the portion size they eat in general, apart from being pregnant.
Nausea with or without vomiting
Feeling nausea, morning sickness, and sleepy at a wake-up time are very significant pregnancy symptoms. If you are pregnant and you haven’t found out yet, you may feel nauseated on an empty stomach. Eating well can significantly help with nausea or bad mouth taste as soon as you are sure about pregnancy.
Here are 12 ways to fight nausea during pregnancy
blood streak due to implantation
Whether you are ready to get pregnant or not, a blood streak may seem like you are having your period started, but that’s not true. Just the blood from implantation happens during pregnancy around week 4. Moreover, there is no more bleeding after that streak of blood on your underwear for a healthy pregnancy. Most women won’t even notice that.
bloating or gas
Some women might feel that gas is stuck under the ribs. Eating in small portion sizes is the best way to avoid bloating and gas. Although you should eat in the form of small snacks. These are the best pregnancy snacks you must try.
Walking or eating fennel seeds are the best remedies for pregnancy gas and bloating.
Also, try not to wear tight clothes if you have severe bloating. Compy pregnancy outfits are the way to go.
milky or thin white discharge
A pregnant woman will most likely experience a thin or milky white discharge throughout pregnancy. Using panty liners is the best way to deal with discomfort.
morning laziness or feeling fatigued or tired
Newly pregnant women may face difficulty waking up in the morning during early pregnancy. They feel like sleeping more or are lethargic due to elevated pregnancy hormones. Eating healthy and staying hydrated can help with feeling a little energized.
13 ways to deal with morning sickness
Well, cramping during pregnancy is scary. You feel like it’s more of period pain, but that’s actually your body and uterus are getting ready for pregnancy. However, moderate cramps are considered normal during pregnancy. But you should always consult your OBGYN if you have any concerns.
Leg cramps are quite common during pregnancy, here is how to deal with leg cramps when you are pregnant.
Sadly, extreme cramping could be a sign of miscarriage, and the cramping pain comes in intervals and gets more intense every time at the time of a miscarriage.
Do the pregnancy symptoms come and go after week 6.
As the pregnancy progresses, symptoms get more intense but may slow down or disappear after week 6. Some women experience various symptoms during the first trimester and third trimesters. The second trimester is usually easy, and moms-to-be do not experience much nausea. Old symptoms tend to go away, whereas the other new symptoms come up as you move far along. Here are some of the most annoying pregnancy symptoms and their solutions.
What the next step after you find out about the pregnancy
Want to surprise your husband? Check out these pregnancy announcement ideas.
Call your OBGYN, and let them know about a positive pregnancy test. They will schedule a sonogram around eight weeks of pregnancy. And that is calculated based on your last menstrual cycle.
Start eating healthy and avoid food that should not be consumed while you are pregnant.
Read more
Healthy pregnancy snacks for your late-night munching
13 ways to fight nausea during pregnancy
17 weird pregnancy symptoms and how to deal with them
12 pregnancy mistakes to avoid for every mom-to-be
12 ways to trigger natural labor at home.
Comfy pregnancy clothes every expectant woman should be wearing