Pregnancy Nausea may also be referred to as morning sickness, but in reality, it usually occurs the whole day. For some women, it is days in and days out of vomiting and nauseous feeling all through 9 months. Whereas, some may experience vomiting during the first trimester and get settled around 13 to 14 weeks.
Nausea and vomiting that pregnant women experience during early pregnancy get overwhelming and frustrating for many women and their families. One day, it is horrible nausea, and the other day, it is better. Strange enough, something that helps one day with vomiting may not work the other day.
The good news is, this may get better, and almost every woman has been able to successfully nurture the baby even vomiting 20 times a day.
These are some fool proof ways to fight nausea when nothing else seems to be working.
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Effective ways to prevent morning sickness during pregnancy
Not all pregnant women experience nausea in the same way. So if some remedy works well for you may not work for someone else. Every expectant mom has her queasy moments. Some may vomit around the clock, whereas some experience occasional nauseated feeling.
During your first pregnancy, morning sickness is a common symptom. Nausea is more severe the first time more than during the second pregnancy. Also, with multiple fetuses, it is very likely to have strong queasy feelings all through pregnancy.
1. Frequent meals or snacks
Try to eat something – even a little bit- every 2 hours. This does not mean that you have to eat full meals. Small snacks within short intervals are enough to keep the stomach full.
Eating late at night keeps a mom-to-be and the baby happy. A glass of milk with a muffin, rich in carbs and protein will help to keep your tummy happy and less nauseated.
Crackers are the best midnight snack. Eating crackers for severe nausea and vomiting will help fighting morning sickness because your tummy is not empty the whole time.
2. Avoid liquids while you are eating solid
Limit your liquid intake while eating food if you are feeling nauseous during pregnancy. Wait 15 minutes before eating if you just drank, or wait until 15 minutes after eating to drink something. Avoid taking solids and liquids at the same time to prevent nausea.
Having the right amount of gap between meals and liquid is very important. However, liquids tend to be more digest-able than solids. With that being said, spacing out your meals throughout the day is essential if you have serious vomiting and heartburn issues during pregnancy.
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3. Avoid Spicy or oily food
Avoiding greasy or spicy food significantly helps with morning sickness. Sometimes oily or spicy food may trigger painful bloating. Especially during the first trimester.
Eating fennel seeds for bloating after every meal is a highly effective remedy for pregnant, non-pregnant, breastfeeding moms, or anyone who has gas issues on a regular basis.
However, for some women, nausea tends to go away by the time you enter the second trimester.
4. Try drinking carbonated drink
Typically, carbonated drinks may cause gas but for some women, soda has a settling effect for nausea. You can try sprite with lime and see if that helps. Take small sips, do not gulp, everything and anything all at once.
Surprisingly, for some women, chilly drinks are easier to stomach down, while for others, warm drinks or food work well. Try switching between the two, you may find what works for you.
5. Consume Ginger in any form
Adding ginger to your diet is effective for nausea and has properties to settle your stomach in a good way. You can consume ginger in any form like:
6. Peppermint tea
Peppermint tea is also known to help with nausea and vomiting.
How to make peppermint tea for pregnant women
Boil 6 teabags of peppermint tea in 4 cups of water. Add it to a gallon pitcher and fill the rest of the pitcher with water. Also, you can add some sugar or lemon. Honey is a good alternative too.
7. Fennel seeds for heartburn and bloating
Like I said earlier, you cannot go wrong consuming fennel seeds due to its benefits. Fennel seeds significantly help with gas. Also, chewing on fennel seeds after every meal may help with feeling nauseous all the time.
How to deal with Pregnancy symptoms.
8. Medication for nausea
Vitamin B6 and Unisom are the recommended medicines for Nausea during pregnancy.
Try 25 mg of Vitamin B6 three times a day. Unisom sleep tabs contain the antihistamine doxylamine. It is advisable to take Unisom in combination with B6 that is known to decrease the symptom of morning sickness. But this should only be used if advised by your doctor. Keep in mind; this may keep you drowsy during the day.
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Safe medication during pregnancy
9. Prenatal Vitamins
Take your prenatal vitamins at night while you are pregnant, especially if you are taking nausea medication. Experts say that taking prenatal vitamins at night while you are pregnant, may help with morning sickness, restless legs, and other pregnancy symptoms.
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10. Rest as much as you can
Getting some extra sleep and relaxation, both physical and emotional, would help to fight queasy moments.
11. Do not rush out of the bed
If this is your first pregnancy, do not rush out of bed once you wake up. Instead, munch on a small snack sitting on your nightstand. Manage some moments of quiet time even if you have kids. Try waking up earlier than your kids wake up.
Taking your sweet time getting out of bed may work for you fighting morning sickness.
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12. Do not stress
Stress increases nausea, heartburn, and causes discomfort. Easing the stress would help ease the morning sickness.
How to deal with pregnancy discomforts.
13. Metallic Taste during pregnancy
Besides nausea, it would not be unfair to blame pregnancy hormones for the metallic taste in your mouth. Hormones are responsible for controlling taste buds. Once your pregnancy hormones settle down, things get much better.
If you are lucky, this constant icky taste in your mouth goes away altogether by the start of the second trimester.
Besides, waiting and wishing for the metallic taste to go away on its own, you can try these remedies by fighting metal with acids.
- Citrus juices, lemonade
- Foods marinated in vinegar like pickles, gherkins
- Brushing your tongue each time you brush your teeth may help to keep away that flinty flavor
- Rinse your mouth with salt solution or baking soda solution to neutralize pH levels in your mouth.
- Think about changing your prenatal vitamins, some may lead to metal mouth more than others.
When to call your doctor
Besides regular pregnancy nausea, if you find any of these conditions, do not hesitate to call your doctor.
- Having trouble digesting food or keeping it down without throwing up.
- You are not urinating enough.
- Vomiting more than 5 times in an hour
Reasons why women feel nauseous during pregnancy
Hormones are responsible for women feeling nauseous and vomit during the first trimester.
When a woman carries multiple fetuses, the chances of morning sickness is way up.
Most women are very likely to have morning sickness during their first pregnancy, as compared to others.
For some pregnant women, nausea and vomiting last for the first trimester. Once mom-to-be steps in the second trimester, things start getting better. Research says, about 75% of women feel nauseous while pregnant, while 25% may not experience nausea in any form.
Hang in there, things do get better with time. Pregnancy is all about crazy hormones.
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