Safe Medication During Pregnancy

Safe Medication During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with a lot of hormonal headaches, toothache, backache, etc. There are numerous pregnancy discomforts you have to deal with while being pregnant. Although some medicines/drugs are not considered safe to be taken while being pregnant, still there are few medicines like over-the-counter medicines that are generally considered safe and are prescribed by your OBGYN. … Read more

Leg Cramps during Pregnancy

7 Effective ways to survive Leg Cramps during Pregnancy

Do you wake up at night due to legs pain? Are you having pregnancy leg cramps?
Leg cramps are a very common condition yet harmless. Legs cramps occur when muscles in your legs suddenly become tight and painful.

Post C-Section Care and Recovery

Post C-Section Recovery and care Tips for moms

C-section or Cesarean delivery is a surgical procedure to deliver one or more babies. C section is different than a vaginal delivery. It is performed in case if a mother or a baby is at risks like if there is twin pregnancy or more, breech baby, high blood pressure, or problems with the placenta or umbilical cord.