Baby diaper leaking poop

Best tips to prevent exploding diapers

Is your baby’s diaper exploding poop all the way to the back? Is your newborn poop leaking too many times and it seems like diarrhea? Well, babies’ poop takes a while (about 6 to 8 weeks) to solidify in texture, until then it’s the biggest nightmare for new parents. Sometimes babies’ diaper blowouts leak all … Read more

mom breastfeeding in a nursing chair

3 best space-saving Nursing chairs for a smaller nursery

Nursing chairs are a safe heaven for breastfeeding moms as mom and baby bond during comfortable nursing sessions. Not only nursing but soothing a fussy baby or rocking a baby to sleep can be easily done in a nursing chair. The most important thing for a nursing mom is her posture and comfort so she … Read more

baby names

100+ The most unique baby Girl names – you have ever heard of

As much as you are excited about choosing a unique name for your precious future baby girl, it is equally challenging to find a name that you won’t regret picking from the ocean of names all around the world. When picking a unique baby name, rare ones with the perfect blend of uncommon and evergreen … Read more

Baby Self-Feeding Snacks for 6 to 12 months old babies

Is your baby eager to self-feed when food is on the table or around? It is a perfect time to ditch spoon-feeding and introduce baby-led weaning – which encourages the baby to self-feed using baby fingers or baby fists. Self-feeding may be messier for cleanliness freak parents, but it is a big milestone in your … Read more

Infant Formula milk Facts – no Guilty Nutrition facts moms must know

Supplementing newborns with formula is a debatable topic for many moms. There are times when moms get exhausted with frequent wake-ups, late-night breastfeeding, sore nipples, hurting breasts, engorgements, they may want to switch to formula feed, as it is easy for moms to some extent.  No matter what method you choose to feed your baby, your … Read more

Baby play ideas that can be setup at home

Baby Play Activities – Fun Ideas That Are Easy To Set Up

Are you looking for some age-appropriate baby play activities that you can do at home? Mentioned below are some easy-to-set-up activities that are not only healthy for brain development but also, babies (and toddlers) can enjoy hands-on learning through safe exposure and experience. Babies tend to learn through hands-on experiences and also by exploring different … Read more

Best Coming home outfits for baby girls

Choosing a coming-home outfit is one of the simplest tasks left when you have already accomplished the tough decision of purchasing baby gear and other baby stuff that you have to pick out as you prepare for the baby’s arrival while you are still pregnant. Deciding on a perfect baby’s outfit for coming home from … Read more

200+ Muslim baby girl names with meanings

Choosing the perfect Muslim name for a future baby girl is indeed one of the most exciting parts of expecting a baby. Parents want to decide on a short and unique name for a girl child that is also easy to pronounce depending on where you live. An Islamic name that stays evergreen and never … Read more

fun play activities for 6 to 9 months old babies

Fun and development activities for 6 – 9 months old babies

When the baby reaches the 6 months mark, she’ll be experiencing many more physical and mental developmental changes. Babies want to explore more and more every passing day. They become more active and want to conquer so much while crawling and cruising around the house. Parents’ love, time, and undivided attention are the most important … Read more