Food that helps increase milk supply fast for breastfeeding moms

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Breastfeeding your newborn soon after giving birth is critical for breastfeeding success. Colostrum is the first-ever dose of breastmilk that your baby needs at the beginning of your breastfeeding journey. Producing enough breastmilk for your baby’s growth is essential. Many women get lucky to nourish and breastfeed their babies right away, whereas some might have to strive for more days actually to get the right amount of milk supply.

Breastfeeding is all about demand and supply. More latching leads to more milk supply. A lot of moms feel so stressed about having less breastfeed, which makes it even worse. Stress about anything would actually slow down milk production. Every woman’s body is different, hence, the response is not the same in every case.

Either you have cesarean or vaginal delivery; on average, it takes about 3 to 5 days for milk supply to settle in. However, some might have enough milk supply the very next day after delivery, if not all, while some have to struggle for over a week to establish a sufficient milk supply.

Babies’ first food is called Colostrum. It is the first form of milk babies get and it has way too many health benefits. Colostrum is sufficient to feed a newborn in the first couple of days of his life. Ideally, with every latch, your milk supply has to increase and your baby should feel full.

However, sometimes this does not happen and moms might have to consider supplementing to meet babies’ nutritional requirements. Once the supply settles in, you can exclusively breastfeed your baby.

Breastmilk is by far the best you can give to your baby. There are options that might help to increase milk supply to fill those tiny tummies with lots of nutritional value food.

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Healthy Food that improves milk supply for breastfeeding moms

Following is the list of food items for new moms, struggling with breastfeeding and milk supply.

1. Oatmeal improves breastmilk supply

Oatmeal is a fiber-rich food for breastfeeding moms. It is a high source of proteins and antioxidants. Amazing source of iron as if you are low on iron you might have to struggle with milk supply.

A bowl of oatmeal in the morning works great for milk supply. Oatmeal also helps you reduce weight and lower cholesterol levels.

As a new mom, you might not be having enough time to wait for oatmeal to be ready. Once you become a mom, it’s all about quick meals.

Boil oatmeal in water and add a little bit of salt and pepper. You can also add milk if you want it with honey or brown sugar, whatever you may find healthy.

You can add any type of fruit or nuts you want: Berries, apples, bananas, raisins, almonds, walnuts, etc.

Once things settle down in a couple of weeks after delivery, you may want to start Steel-cut oats. Although it takes a while to cook it is healthier and tastier than regular oats.

Lactation cookies are used to improve milk supply for a nursing mom. Also, you can bake your own lactation cookies at home with a ready-to-use cookie mix.

Moreover, oatmeal helps significantly with post-delivery chronic constipation as well.

Related: Healthy and quick postpartum meal ideas for new moms

2. Boiled eggs help increase breastmilk

Eggs have allergens for some people. If you are not allergic to eggs and your baby has not shown any signs of allergies then you should take eggs in any form you like.

Eating boiled eggs is a healthier option rather than eating in fried form. You can cook eggs fresh every day while your coffee or tea is getting ready, or you can boil them in advance and refrigerate them. Enjoy eggs with avocados and whole wheat bread as you prefer.

3. Bone broth is known to increase milk supply fast

Bone broth is a highly nutritious food for breastfeeding moms. You can make bone broth using any type of meat in a slow cooker or in a regular pot. Bone Broth is a nutritious food to promote milk production for breastfeeding moms and it is highly recommended by Indian women during postpartum.

How to make Bone Broth for nursing moms to increase milk production

You need to use bone-in meat of your choice, beef, lamb, mutton, or chicken (organic chicken is a much better and healthier option).

Add a few garlic cloves, onions slices, salt, black pepper(optional), and cumin seeds. Add water as needed. Make sure meat is dipped in just the right amount of water. Cook for at least a couple of hours or more for extra nutrition.

You can also use an instant pot or slow cooker for this recipe.

Now, the bone broth is ready, meat is deliciously tender. You can adjust the spices as you like.

Bone Broth is a super hydrating, protein-rich, nutritious meal. It is a healthy meal for c-section moms for better and quick internal and external healing of surgical wounds.

You can prepare bone broth in advance and freeze it before your due date. Just warm it up in a microwave, and your meal is ready.

Check out more Healthy and Quick recipe ideas for postpartum eating

Read more: Postpartum diet for C-section moms.

4. Milk helps improve breast milk supply

Milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamin D. Your baby has extracted a lot from your body while you were pregnant. Now she is going to take nutrients from you through breastfeeding, so you need to amp up your calcium and vitamin D intake.

Drinking milk at night with a couple of dates or bananas works best for milk supply.

5. Water improves hydration for nursing moms

Staying hydrated while you breastfeed is very important. You need plenty of liquid in any form. Be it juice or flavored water or Gatorade, although plain water works the best. Also, it will significantly help with milk flow.

Ideally, you should drink two glasses of milk (2% or whole milk, as per your choice) every day at least for the duration you choose to breastfeed.

Read more about postpartum essentials for moms.

Read more about newborn care on how you can help your baby to sleep through the night.

6. Dates help sustain energy for breastfeeding moms

Dates are natural energy boosters. A high source of natural sugar gives you energy right away. Dates significantly promote milk supply for breastfeeding moms.

Eating dates with a glass of milk every night is an excellent milk booster for nursing moms.

Healthy breastfeeding snacks ideas for nursing moms.

7. Banana with milk at night increase milk supply overnight

Eating banana and milk in a combination at night works amazingly. A glass of cold milk with one banana at night would surprisingly increase the milk flow. In addition to that, banana is an excellent source of potassium, and it helps so much with night-time leg cramping.

Related: 14 ways to improve low milk production for breastfeeding moms.

8. Prenatal vitamins

You should never skip your prenatal vitamins while you are breastfeeding. You need them every day just like you were taking while you were pregnant. Skipping them will make you cranky, stressed, depressed, and sad, and you would not realize that it is because of nutritional deficiencies.

Related: How you can improve postpartum health with the right nutrition.

9. Supplements to increase milk production

New moms can use organic supplements to improve their breast milk supply if they are struggling big time with a lower milk supply.

Moreover, Milk Dust makes the best milk booster protein powder that works perfectly for lactation and weight loss. So you don’t feel worried about losing your milk supply if you want to lose your extra post-baby pounds.

Try Milk Dust protein powder to increase your milk supply without gaining weight.

10. Milk tea instantly increases milk production

If you are really struggling with milk supply and nothing seems to be working with natural ingredients then you should consider taking Earthmama’s organic milk tea. They are made with herbs that are super effective in increasing milk supply.

Image Courtesy: EarthMama Organics

11. Green leafy veggie

Spinach is a rich source of iron. You must include green leafy veggies in your diet especially if you are anemic or had a c-section delivery. You can take spinach in the form of juice or salad. Otherwise, adding an iron supplement would help suffice your iron deficiency which overall increases milk production for breastfeeding moms.

improve milk supply

12. Cumin seeds immediately increase milk production

Most Indian women add cumin seeds to their diet for an immediate increase in milk supply. It is a highly recommended, and super effective natural way to promote milk supply for breastfeeding moms.

Chewing on a teaspoon of cumin seed every day is beneficial for a good milk supply, or you can bake cumin seeds in bread or cookies for an extra flavor. along with other health benefits, cumin seeds are the fastest way to increase milk production overnight for breastfeeding moms.

You can also sprinkle a teaspoon of cumin seeds in your salad bowls during postpartum meals. These seeds are very aromatic and chances are, you are going to love them.

Best postpartum healthy meals for new moms.

13. Fenugreek seeds increase milk supply naturally

Fenugreek seeds are known to be milk boosters for breastfeeding moms. Taking fenugreek seeds with water is one of the best home remedies to increase milk supply naturally. Mostly Fenugreek tablets are used to increase breastmilk in one day.

Fenugreek seeds are popularly used in Indian food and it surely produces enough milk for both nursing and pumping moms. Not to mention, fenugreek seeds are used in breastfeeding supplements that are known to be an immediate milk booster.

14. Poppy seeds

White poppy seeds are also known to increase milk supply and may help mom and baby to stay relatively calm. Due to the sedation properties, poppy seeds may improve the sleep habits of babies.

Related: How to solve sleep problems for babies.

15. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are great for digestion and are also known to increase milk supply, as well as help moms and babies with gas or colic issues.

You can drink fennel seeds water after delivery. It will immensely help with bloating and weight loss. All you have to do is, boil water with a tsp of fennel seeds and drink all day long. The benefits of fennel seeds are widely known in Indian cuisines. Fennel seeds would help solve the problems of gas for breastfeeding moms and their baby.

16. Semolina is good for breastfeeding moms

Semolina (aka Suji) is a super effective milk-producing food to increase the milk supply for breastfeeding moms. Suji is a milk booster for moms who are struggling to improve breastmilk production. Suji is widely used in Indian food. Mostly, it is consumed in the form of dessert or dry snacks called ‘Panjiri’ for breastfeeding moms.

How to make semolina pudding (suji halwa )

Sauté a few tbsp of semolina in organic ghee. Soon after, it starts changing color, now add water and sugar as per your taste. Let it cook and simmer for some time.

Sugar and semolina are used in a 1:1 ratio or you can add less sugar if you want. You can add almonds, cashews, raisins any sort of dry fruit of your choice. Semolina pudding with lots of nuts is an amazing snack for breastfeeding moms that keeps moms energized.

Suji pudding is super beneficial for babies as well.

Related: how to make semolina pudding for babies.

17. Brewers yeast Powder is an instant milk booster

A lot of moms find brewers’ yeast powder as an effective ingredient to increase milk supply overnight. You may use these in cookies, shakes, or anything you can make at home to improve milk supply.

There are vegan and non-vegan options available for brewers yeast, you can choose any you prefer.

18. Lactation Cookies quickly increase breastmilk

Breastfeeding moms may want to produce more milk since they are exclusively breastfeeding or pumping for a freezer stash. Lactation cookies mix may significantly improve milk supply. You can either prepare cookies from scratch but as a new mom, you are just too busy to do that. A ready-made lactation cookie mix is a win-win.

Other foods that are also known to help increase milk supply for nursing moms

Quinoa is another gluten-free and healthy option to promote milk production for lactating mothers.

Avocado is considered a very healthy food item for pregnant and lactating women as well.

Try this recipe of guacamole with chips, you are going to love it.

Flax seeds have omega-3 fatty acids (good fats) that you need just in the right amount. Sprinkle some seeds on your salad bowl, or chew on roasted ones Flax seeds are fed to chickens to produce eggs with higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids.

Garlic: Some researchers conclude that using garlic in your diet would help increase milk supply.

Breastfeeding Class to increase milk Supply

If you are a first-time mom and struggling with breastfeeding, I would encourage you to get a Breastfeeding class online. It would help you know the basic techniques of breastfeeding that no one tells you other than Lactation consultants.

Stacey is a Certified LactationEducator at Milkology and helps new moms get the hang of breastfeeding.

Also, at Milkology, Stacey has a Master Your Milk supply Class that helps moms know practical ways to improve milk supply quickly and effectively.

What might negatively affect your milk supply

  • Stress whether emotional, physical or mental, is going to affect the milk supply.
  • A lot of IVs and medications before delivery, especially before C-section, might be a cause of delay in milk let down.
  • Smoking would also have a negative impact on milk supply.
  • Parsley, peppermint, sage, oregano, and cabbage if consumed in excessive amounts would adversely affect milk production.

If you are taking extra supplements or medications while breastfeeding, it never hurts to discuss it with your doctor.

However, if you think you are not meeting the nutritional requirement of your baby, and your baby seems hungry all the time, you definitely want to consider supplementing with formula after having a consultation with your pediatrician.

Moreover, there are health concerns when moms cannot feed their babies, they can supplement formula or breastmilk from milk banks. You should never hesitate to talk to your doctor about it.

Read more about when you should consider supplementing or using a combination feed for your baby.

Eating a healthy diet and plenty of fluids would definitely help with the increase in milk supply for breastfeeding moms. Breastfeeding is known to reduce postpartum depression, however, if you still feel that you are not emotionally and mentally connected to your baby, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about it.

Read more

44 Breastfeeding tips for new moms for a better nursing experience.

Foods for breastfeeding moms to increase milk supply fast and also the quality of breastmilk to give healthy nutrients for baby

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8 thoughts on “Food that helps increase milk supply fast for breastfeeding moms”

  1. One thing I did, with my husband’s help, which helped my milk come in was to take hand towels and wet them with warm to hot water, (BUT NOT SO HOT THAT IT WILL BURN YOU. If you can’t wring it out, don’t use it until it cools some) wring them out and put them across your breast until they cool. Repeat this 3 or 4 times a the day. It never took me more than 1 day for my milk to come in. I have told many others about this and everyone was amazed at how quickly it worked.

    • Certainly! I am sure this trick would have worked as I have seen my mom doing this with my one of my siblings when she was struggling with her supply after a C-section. I totally forgot about those non-medicated and healthy tricks that had been working for a long time. Thank you for reminding me.


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